Café Maté

Nec spe nec metu

Café Maté was born in the autumn of 2022 from the meeting of diverse cultures and traditions that define both the name and the musical character of the group. Traditional instruments such as the Mexican Jarana, the Brazilian Pandeiro, the Sicilian Marranzano, blend with the contemporary sound of the transverse flute, electric bass and guitar, as a blend of grains of a good coffee or a Mate.
From the experience of an Argentine who moved from Bunos Aires to Catania, and from other members of the group who by study have traveled to Latin America, comes to life a repertoire that varies from unpublished rocker flavor with Argentine and flamenco influences, moving from revisiting pieces of the Mexican tradition, rooted in Sicilian music. The first EP is scheduled to be released in summer 2024, and will anticipate a CD full of original music recorded in autumn 2023.


Today Café Maté is based in Catania, where, starting from the busking, it has performed in a year
festivals and venues such as:


  • Original music fest, Xanax studio
  • folk mood, Festa del castagno
  • Liàmi, Associazione Musicale Etnea
  • Cura è rivoluzione, CGIL Catania
  • Onda, Mono


Line Up

Andrea Mirabella flute, jarana and voice
Francesco Castrogiovanni cajòn, drums
Marcello Milone guitar
Matteo Di Caro guitar, cajòn and voice
Nicolàs Mato guitar, cajòn and voice
Tommaso Noce electric bass

Tuppetturu Booking | English